Telegram is a cloud based instant messaging platform. This platform is already used by 700 Million people around the world. This messaging platform gives a high end to end encryption for all chats, files , voice messages and video calls etc. It contains so many features compared to other messengers like WhatsApp, snapchat and more.
New Group
New Channel
New Group
Group is able to chat with all group members and view details about our group members.
Strong Previous chat, New group members can able to view old chats
Two way communication between Admins and members
Admins have different Controls Post Polls , music's Files Etc.
Allows only 2 Lakh members
New Channel
Channel allows only admin to post any content, members side could not interact with admin & not able to see channel member details.
Draft your Post
Admin only view Member Details
One - way communication (Admin Only) Post Polls , music's Files Etc.
Un-limited members can join
If you interact with People - Use Telegram Group
If you only Posting News or Informative content - Use Telegram Channel