Improve Your Productivity by using this Extensions in VS Code
Wed Feb 9, 2022
VS Code Extensions for Developers
"Live Server" - This extension allows developers to easily run a local development server with live reload feature, which automatically updates the browser as changes are made to the code.
"Prettier" - This extension helps format code according to a consistent style, saving developers time and making code more readable.
"ESLint" - This extension checks code for potential errors and helps enforce coding conventions.
"Quokka.js" - This extension allows developers to run JavaScript code snippets and see the results in real-time, directly in the editor.
"GitLens" - This extension provides an enhanced Git experience, including powerful visualizations and code lens for understanding code changes.
"Debugger for Chrome" - This extension allows developers to debug JavaScript code running in Chrome directly from VS Code.
"IntelliSense for CSS class names" - This extension provides autocompletion for CSS class names in HTML files, saving developers time and reducing the likelihood of typos.
"Path Intellisense" - This extension autocompletes filenames in the code, which can save developers time and reduce the likelihood of typos.
"Material Icon Theme" - This extension changes the default file icons to material design icons, making it easier to find and navigate between files.
"Rainbow Brackets" - This extension makes it easier to match brackets in the code by color-coding them based on their nesting level.